Client Information



Grace Legal Group is a revolutionary criminal defense firm that is committed to changing the way we think about criminal justice. For far too long, our criminal justice system has been focused on retribution and deterrence, dating back to ancient times when we locked people in cages and called it punishment. At Grace Legal Group, we believe that a more restorative and rehabilitative approach is needed to break the cycles of harm, trauma, and poverty that are perpetuated by the current system.
Research has shown that when criminal defense is focused on rehabilitation and restorative justice alternatives, the overall rates of reoffending decrease, communities can thrive, and people are reminded of their innate potential. That’s why at Grace Legal Group, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the support and resources they need to rebuild their lives and move forward with hope and purpose.
Our entirely minority-run firm is founded on the principle that everyone deserves a chance at redemption, and we are committed to using every legal avenue available to us to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients. Our results and client testimonials speak for themselves, and we are proud to be part of a movement that is reshaping the future of criminal justice in California. With Grace, there’s always a second chance.
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